BC Freshwater Fishing License

A British Columbia issued Freshwater Fishing License will need to be purchased and carried for all individuals who are 16 years of age or older. Please visit the BC Government webpage online or a Service BC office in person to purchase your Basic Freshwater Fishing License prior to your booked trip. Select trips may require an additional Conservation Species License to also be purchased and applied to your Basic License. If you choose to purchase your license online, the BC Government has provided a Tutorial.
A Basic License can be purchased for One-day, 8-day and Annual License. View Licensing Types & Fee's.
ALL PERSON'S fishing for sturgeon must have a BC Basic Freshwater License as well as a White Sturgeon Conservation License. These need to be PRINTED ON PAPER for every person attending.
Failure to have a printed license for each person will result in a delay and will force the boat to remain at dock.
The following Conservation Species License may be required for tours with Len's Sportfishing Adventures: Sturgeon, Steelhead, Non-Tidal Salmon
You may also view the current Freshwater Fishing Regulations Synopsis by clicking this sentence.
A Basic License can be purchased for One-day, 8-day and Annual License. View Licensing Types & Fee's.
ALL PERSON'S fishing for sturgeon must have a BC Basic Freshwater License as well as a White Sturgeon Conservation License. These need to be PRINTED ON PAPER for every person attending.
Failure to have a printed license for each person will result in a delay and will force the boat to remain at dock.
The following Conservation Species License may be required for tours with Len's Sportfishing Adventures: Sturgeon, Steelhead, Non-Tidal Salmon
You may also view the current Freshwater Fishing Regulations Synopsis by clicking this sentence.